
The Enneagram: An Introductory 3 day Course with Lisa in Copenhagen

The Enneagram: An Introductory 3 day Course with Lisa in Copenhagen

The Enneagram: An Introductory 3 day Course with Lisa in Copenhagen

Date(s) - June 17, 2025 - June 19, 2025
All Day


The Enneagram is a sacred gift for the mastery of seeing how we fall into repetitive patterns that don’t serve our happiness and freedom.

Do you want freedom from recurring patterns which keep you from being happy? Then this series of workshops focusing on the Enneagram will serve you. The Enneagram gives insight into the very nature of being by exposing habits which keep us trapped in the illusion of a separate someone. All that is needed is the willingness to open to who you truly are.”.

You will Discover
How you move – either away, against or towards – and see how these movements cause unnecessary suffering for yourself and others.     

With Humor and Skill
Lisa will guide the group into compassionate and deep inquiry using time tested exercises designed to reveal how you get stuck in old patterns.

The Possibility Is
That you will discover your essence and gain valuable insights to stay true to that. You will also become a part of a supportive community that can help you to continue to deepen in happiness and self love.

What to expect
Three, three-hour meetings, for 3 evenings, to dive into the Enneagram of Character Fixation with Lisa Schumacher. Each day will bring new insights into the patterns of fixated behavior.



Dates and times
Three, three-hour meetings
Dates: Tues June 17th, Wed June 18th, Thursday June 19th
Times: 6pm – 9pm  with break at the 1.5-hour mark.

Antroposofisk Kulturhus København, Rathsacksvej 30, 1862 Frederiksberg (6 min walk from Frederiksberg Metro station)


Solvejg Kristensen, sk@i-grain.net or +4529610051


Full Program of three evenings: (recommended and best price): 15% discounted rate until end of April $175 USD (1275DKK).
From 1 May: online and cash at door payment: $205 (1500DKK)

Per day sign up: $75 (550DKK) per evening. This is for people who sign up for a single day. (total is be $225 or 1650DKK for all three days individually)


Course Overview

1st evening Tuesday June 17th
Introduction; Study of The Mental/Fear Types:

Title: The Enneagram, Study of the Mental/Fear Types

  1. Mental, physical, emotional, and circumstantial bodies – Fear, Anger, Despair, and the story that is believed. Overview of the Enneagram symbology.
  2. The core types overview, stress and relaxed movement.
  3. The Core Fear point 6; the exteriorized fear point 7; the interiorized fear point 5
  4. Doubt, moving away, projection, rationalization, avarice, and other aspects of the Fear Points
  5. Exercise for experiencing and embodying the Fear/Mental body and the movement associated with it
  6. Types, exemplars, personal reports, and sharing.
  7. Essence of the True Character for the mental types: Emptiness, Stillness, Peace


2nd evening Wednesday June 18th
Study of the Anger/Body Types

Title: The Enneagram: Study of the Anger/Body Types

  1. Questions and reports from Tuesday
  2. The Core Anger point 9; exteriorized body point 8; the interiorized body point 1
  3. Anger, moving against, control, power, blaming, “No” and other aspects of the Body Points
  4. Exercise for experiencing and embodying the Anger/physical body and the movement associated with it
  5. Types, exemplars, personal reports, and sharing.
  6. Essence of the True Character for the body types: Presence, Shakti, Purity


3rd evening Thursday June 19th
Study of the Emotional/Image Types

Title: The Enneagram: Study of the Emotional/Image Types

  1. Questions and reports from Wednesday
  2. The Core Image point 3; exteriorized Image point 2; interiorized Image point 4
  3. The deceit of image, moving toward, worthlessness, shame, neediness, and other aspects of the Image Points
  4. Exercise for experiencing and embodying the Image/Emotional body and the movement associated with it
  5. Types, exemplars, personal reports, and sharing.
  6. Essence of the True Character for the emotional types: Love, Kindness, Joy
  7. Music and fun to complete the course






Ticket Type Price Spaces
Enneagram Course - Full 3 Day Event (Recommended) $175.00
Enneagrm Course Day 1: Study of the Mental/Fear Types $75.00
The Enneagran Course Day 2: Study of the Anger/Body Types $75.00
Enneagram Course Day 3: Study of the Emotional/Image Types $75.00

Registration Information

Booking Summary

Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.