Discover True Forgiveness, Love and Deep Self-Acceptance
Open Meetings are a chance to understand your patterns of mind, open your heart, and discover the true meaning of Self-Love. Lisa is in loving support of your Awakening and will answer any questions in these Free Open Meetings.

A Transmission of Love
True and Heartfelt Support is Here
What can be revealed sitting with Lisa has the capacity to change one's life in an instant. Lisa welcomes everything and is full of Heart, Love and humor

Your presence and love is worth more than you could ever imagine. Something was lifted and I am back in alignment: light, smiling and at peace. And I am not afraid, not a victim


"How can I stop believing my thoughts and struggling with emotions?"
Overthinking and getting caught in stories can be a great challenge in everyday life. Get a supportive resource: videos and inquiry questions to meet your mental activity with Love.
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